Embed your app

Gain more flexibility and control by configuring parameters according to your use case and business needs.

How to embed the Okra app

After you build your app, the App builder generates the assets you need to embed your app. These ready-to-use code snippets are unique for each app that you create. Use them to minimize the chance of error and to reduce your time to production. Here's how you can find these code snippets on the dashboard:

  • Open the Apps page and select the app that you want to embed. This opens the app's Integration tab.

The Integration tab shows code snippets for both the buildWithShortUrl and the buildWithOptions scenarios. You only need to embed one of these.

Make sure that you leverage Okra’s libraries & SDKs in your integration to benefit from features like callbacks, metadata, or bank filtering. Check out the catalog of Libraries and SDKs, then jump into the SDK integration guide for detailed steps.

These libraries and SDKs can initialize an Okra app instance through these two functions:

  • buildWithShortUrl
  • buildWithOptions

Using buildWithShortUrl

This option provides a quick and simple way to directly integrate the Okra app you already customized into your app or website. short_url is a unique URL that identifies an Okra app that you created. Make sure that you define callbacks!

  short_url: "{Your short_url}",
  onSuccess: function (data) {
    console.log("success", data);
  onClose: function () {

Using buildWithOptions

This method requires a more hands-on approach. If you want to use this method, Okra recommends that you get in touch with the Sales team and set up a call. Together with an Okra engineer, the team can help you make sure that you choose options appropriate for your use case and workflow.

This method enables you to further customize the Okra app before initialization. You can programmatically set up the parameters that build the app according to your use case or business needs. Make sure that you define callbacks!

Check out the complete list of App properties that you can use.

  name: '{Your app name}',
  env: 'production',
  key: '{Your API key, according to the environment you use}',
  token: '{Your Client token}',
  callback_url: '',
  redirect_url: '',
  currency: 'NGN',
  logo: 'https://okra-products-pdf.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/okraprod_228.png'
  onSuccess: function(data){
    console.log('success', data)
  onClose: function(){

Next steps

After you embed the Okra app in your website or application, it is time to test your app!

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